The Birminghamster
Events Guide




What's Going On?

Wednesday, June 4 -

Thursday, June 5 - Gospocentric
Henry Panion conducts the Alabama Symphony Orchestra and the ASO Gospel Choir as Gospocentric goes classical. See more non-whites than usual at a performance by Birmingham's world class symphony. Alys Stephens Center - 8PM.

Friday, June 6 - Who Let Them Dogs Out?
The Steeldogs play their last home game for a while at the BJCC. Come join the Hump and see some of AF2's finest in action against the Columbus Wardogs. This could be the Steeldogs year.

Friday-Sunday, June 6-8 - Play
The Little Theatre Players have a big idea with their attempt at The Cherry Orchard. The Peach Orchard might be better as a means to demonstrate the plight of the Chilton County farmer as they try to maintain traditions in the face of frost and urban sprawl. The Virginia Samford Theatre Fri-Sat 7:30PM, Sun 2:30PM.

Saturday, June 7 - Concert In The Park
The alternative folks will probably avoid the area tonight so you can come to Highland Avenue and enjoy the sound of the Temptations with the Alabama Symphony Orchestra. Part of the Sounds of Summer series. Caldwell Park - 8PM.

Saturday-Sunday, June 7-8 - Juneteenth
We just like that word. And the festival doesn't sound all that bad either. Come to Kelly Ingram Park on Saturday for gospel music, R&B, contest, games, good food and fun. Special Sunday church service at the Sixteenth Street Baptist Church. Saturday 10AM - 7PM, Sunday 11AM.

Monday, June 9 -

Tuesday, June 10 -

Wednesday, June 11 -

Thursday, June 12 -

Friday, June 13 -

Saturday, June 14 - Flag Day
Join the Alabama Symphony Orchestra for a foot stomping, flag waving, patriotic party in Caldwell Park. Proceeds from the concert will benefit the symphony's Director Search Committee

Saturday, June 14 - Market
The Pepper Place market is every Saturday during the Summer. The Finley market is more old school, with actual farmers in pick-up trucks full of one commodity rather than lots of variety, plus they are open daily. On the other hand Pepper Place has fancy honey, blueberries, and lots of organic (not synthetic) vegetables.

Sunday, June 15 -

Monday, June 16 -

Tuesday, June 17 - Vulcan
Vulcan's new ass goes up just in time for Juneteenth. The crusty old fire-god has always been a symbol of freedom, and now he will unite the city once again.



