Marshall Co. Sheriff Issues Gaydar to Deputies
Guntersville (JM) - Deputies in the
Marshall County Sheriff's office
will have a new tool to fight the forces of evil beginning tuesday when
the department's new state-of-the-art Gaydar system is put into
operation. Although it is not official county policy to intervene in
queer and despicable acts or other abominations that are not
specifically addressed by state law, the new equipment will play a big
role in day-to-day operations, according to Sheriff
Mac Holcomb.
"Obviously, where there are sodomites, there is lawbreaking." he
chuckled, referencing Alabama's statute § M 13A-6-63, 64, [which was
struck down by Activist Judges™ in 1993]
"In the 1940's and 1950's men were men and women were women and, with
the possible exception of the head of the Federal Bureau of
Investigation, there was no mistaking which was which. Both were proud
of their individual roles" said Holcomb, a former Marine. "Gaydar is
going to allow us to paint a clearer picture of the motivations and
hearts of suspected perpetrators. It can also be used for screening of
recruits and in demonstrations for local Boy Scout troops and civic or
church clubs.
"Make no mistake about it;" he continued while scribbling furiously on
a notepad, "we are at war for the preservation of morality. There are
evil forces that are hard at work to steal the hearts and minds of our
precious children!"
Paid for in part by a grant from the
Foundation for Moral Law, Inc.,
Marshall County's Gaydar system employs three ultra-gain highly
discriminate Gaydar guns which are electronically linked to
law-enforcement computers in each squad car. When aimed at a suspected
homosexual and activated by pulling the trigger, the gaydar gun
indicates a positive reading with an audible siren and rotating LED
Marshall County's
gaydar system was scheduled to go into operation
immediately, but the department has had to fine tune its
"Indetermination" settings as several "false alarms" have sounded
the sheriff's office. "This equipment is highly sensitive and can
detect the least hint of unnatural disposition," explained head deputy
Frank Glenn, glancing accusingly at his partner, Lance, "Like right now
for example, it's probably picking up some queer off my nightstick
because I had to subdue a likely pervert last week outside the Redhot