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Judge Roy Moore Calls Alito 'Pinko Lefty Non-God Fearing Communist'
After undergoing a bitter defeat in his last attempt to name a moderately conservative Supreme Court nominee, President Bush may again be in for a fight from the nations true conservatives over his second nomination, Samuel Alito. Former Chief Justice of the Alabama Supreme Court Roy Moore has already spoken out against Alito, accusing him of being dangerously close to a communist.

In a speech to his wife and supporter, Moore railed against the leftist message generally accepted as Alito's. "The President's nomination of Sam Alito sends a message that is offensive to patriotic Americans," said Moore. "Alito believes it is acceptable for women to have some degree of privacy without the consent of their patriarch or minister. It is ok to be a homosexual, or a non protestant, or even someone with morally outrageous ideas like birth control or teaching college students evolution. People should be concerned that Judge Alito appears to observe the law first and the Bible second."

In an exclusive interview with The Birminghamster Moore went one step further by pointing out the similarities between Judge Alito and the socialist movement of the former Soviet Union. "In the Soviet Union, people were encouraged to make decisions without being forced to pray. People were allowed to work on Sundays. If we do not stop these outrageous federally supported sins we will continue to betray God and he will eventually remove the hand that has protected this righteous nation since the days of slavery."

Senator Jeff Sessions on the other hand had mostly positive things to say about Alito after the two met on Tuesday. "I don't think Alito is a communist," said Sessions. "I mean he may have gone to one or two meetings, but it was probably just to get names." Sessions did comment on an alternative plan in the event that Alito's nomination is blocked. "We have discussed with the president the possibility of expanding Scalia's role," said Sessions. "We could pass an amendment or something to give him two votes."