What are you doing to save water?
I can tell they haven't changed the water in my dentures cup since this whole thing started last month, and the sponge-baths are a lot scratchier than they used to be. - Shirly, 84, Nursing Home Resident |
I've been eating my coffee straight out of the can. - Beaner, 29, Radio Personality |
I've organized some of the neighborhood women into a militia and we've been going around slashing hoses and pouring chicken blood in swimming pools. - Stella, 40, Homemaker |
The police tried to get me to stop washing my car until I explained that I only use Evian on the Mercedes. - Marion, 48, statesman |
I've been distilling fresh water from my own urine. - Allyson, 20, environmentalist |
We've been turning the fountain outside off a half-hour early during the duration of the crisis. - Bill, 46, Water Works Board Operations Officer |
My wife and I do the dishes and the laundry in the shower, just like Kramer. - Cosmo, 60, hobbyist |
I feel we must rebel against the dictates of this unrepresentative government. We are not free if we can not use as much water as we need to earn our keep. - Sam, 40, brewer-patriot |