Birminghamania |
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What was your favorite City Stages moment? Paul and I really dug that Moonbuggy set. - Bill, 44, mogul I spent the whole day Saturday at the Magic 96 Childrens stage just rapt by the antics of Thomas the Tank-Engine and his whole crew. Those guys rock. - Ja-Ja, 28, Steeldog I like to set out a blanket and lawn chair over at the Alabama Sampler stage. There's always a great variety of local acts, from the shape-note choirs to the gandy dancers to the bluegrass stylings of Red Mountain White Trash. It's just bliss. - Hester, 31, fetishist I was plenty upset when I heard the Afrikan Village stage was being folded into the already weak jazz venue. I don't want to have to see Red Light District crammed up next to the friggin' V.I.P. area. I need space to shake my BOOTY, knowwhatahmean? - Barbara, 34, doughnut server One time, there was like, this girl sitting on her boyfriends shoulders at the Lemonheads, and she had this short top on and everytime she was waving at Evan Dando, you could like totally see her bra. - Thomas, 14, student A few years ago I tried to catch some of the Village People from my office window in the Park Place Tower. As it turns out, I was on the wrong side of the building and all I could see was Dallas County Line making fools of themselves. - Roy, 89, king of country My girlfriends and I like to gorge ourselves on funnel cake and dippin' dots and cruise 20th street playin' grab-ass with the frat boys. - Anita, 37, bad seed Favorite? I guess it was the time the police swarmed in while I was trying to burn my American flag at the Spoken Word stage. I got in a few real hard kicks before they dragged me to the paddy wagon. - Bill, 50, klansman and raconteur |